
Archetypal Somatic Practice - working with complexes
2022 dates to be announced

Join me for a 2-day online exploration into a foundational practice in Jungian Somatics through an embodied exploration of complexes and their archetypal cores.

If you’d like to apply for this training, please email assistant@janeclapp.com.

Cost: $399 Canadian dollars plus applicable taxes (scholarships and sliding scale is not available for this training)

  • How can we harness the intelligence in the body to positively strengthen the ego centre?

  • How do we locate complexes in our bodies?

  • How can we explore dreams somatically to locate and dialogue with complexes through the body?

  • What do we do once we find them so that we can first de-potentiate them?
    How can we harness active imagination to have conscious dialogue with our personal complexes?

  • How do we work with archetypes somatically to access the core of personal complexes to transform them?

If you can’t tune in live, recordings will be provided. Required reading will be confirmed upon registration. Certificate of completion will be provided after full participation and a 3 page self reflection paper is received by September 14th.

Participants are invited to reduce or avoid social media use for a minimum of two days before the training, during the training days and for a minimum of two days after.

For Jungian Analysts, Depth Psychologists, Therapists offering trauma focused care, Somatic Practitioners who have engaged in personal depth based psychotherapy, body workers trained to deal with affect and emotions that come up through touch, or authentic movement practitioners. If you’re not sure it’s for you, please email me.